Immigration Services
Family-Based Immigration
Macias Law handles:
I-130 Filings for eligible U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Resident (Green Card Holders) who can petition certain family member to come to the United States.
I-485, adjustment of status, the process by which eligible immigrants can apply and receive their green card inside the United States with having to leave.
Consular Process, applying for a visa at the consulate abroad, and assistance with the final steps of entering the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident.
Waivers, for certain grounds of inadmissibility such as, unlawful presence, misrepresentation & fraud, and other grounds.
Removal & Bond
Macias Law Handles:
Bond Cases - For individuals detained by DHS. If eligible, individuals detained by DHS may be able to pay a bond while waiting for their immigration case to be heard by an immigration judge.
Certain Asylum Cases- Macias Law does not take all asylum cases. An in-depth analysis of the facts of your case and evidence will be conducted before taking your asylum case.
Federal Litigation
Macias Law handles:
Mandamus / APA Litigation Cases for
Adjustments of Status
Removal of Conditions
Humanitarian Parole
Bonafide Determination’s for U-visa’s
Whether or not you case is eligible for litigation depends on the processing times of the jurisdiction where your case is being decided. Please consult with an attorney to determine if your case is eligible.
Citizenship and Naturalization
Macias Law Handles:
Naturalization Cases - if you are a Lawful Permanent Resident (Green Card Holder) for 5 years, or 3 years and married to a U.S citizen, and meet other eligibility requirements, you may qualify for naturalization.
Aquisition Citizenship- if you were born outside of the United States to a United States Citizen Parent you may acquire U.S. citizenship.
Humanitarian-Based Immigration
Macias Law handles:
For survivors of certain qualifying crimes
For survivors of human and labor trafficking
VAWA- For survivors of domestic violence and extreme cruelty for certain family members of United States Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents, can self-petition.
Affirmative Asylum - for individuals fleeing persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or particular social group.
DACA and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)
Macias Law Handles:
DACA Renewals for eligible applicants. Macias Law recommends you begin the renewal process 6 months before it expires.
SIJS - is an immigration benefit for children under the age of 21 (NM) who cannot return to their home country to due abandonment, neglect or abuse by one or both of their parents. Macias Law will help eligible children, and their parents or guardians with both the custody order and the immigration portion of their case.
**the information provided above and throughout this website does not constitute legal advice and is subject to change. You should consult an immigration attorney to evaluate your individual case and the current immigration laws and regulation to determine eligibility for an immigration benefit. **